After Watching the Videos, Call us at
Seeing IS Believing!
Fact: 95% of competitors do NOT offer
"On-Board" Wheel Cleaner & Wheel Blasters!
How do they CLEAN the wheels without them?
Innovative 45 degree surface impact with surface
agitation hits surfaces most competitors don't
touch. The angle lifts the dirt and bugs away...
Wash cycle times about 25% FASTER than
ANY single arm or big box floor gantry.
Speed = More Cars /hour!
FTouchless Car Wash | Automatic Car Wash Equipment | Petroleum C-Store Equipment
Fifteen Years and Proven to Be
The Best "Dual Arm" Cleaning Touchless Wash... That's X-Stream
Power, Performance & Price!
#1 in POWER to Clean the Toughest Vehicles (Click Here to See)
#1 in PERFORMANCE that Outshines Your Competition
#1 in Factory Direct PRICING that Makes it Affordable for Your Business
X-Stream Is the LAST Touchless Car Wash You Will Ever Purchase!
No Custom Parts, Super Simplistic Design, EZ Owner Maintained
NO Distributor Support Required & the Lowest Long-term Cost of Ownership!
Save 25-40% Purchasing Factory Direct Installing Worldwide
See Complete Pricing Click HERE!
Third Party Financing Available on ALL Equipment
Call Us Now at 888-438-9787
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Featuring Exclusive Factory Direct... "BUY IT NOW" Pricing *
* BUY IT NOW Pricing Is Exclusively for Customers Purchasing within 30 Days!
So, Don't get SOAKED when You BUY a Car Wash... Buy Factory Direct!
These Critcal Touchless Wash Features below Are NOT Collectively Available on Competitors!
But, Are "Standard" on The X-Stream.
Click Here to see Before & After results not achievable by our competitors.
1. On-Board, Tire Sensing Wheel Cleaner Application
2. On-Board, Tire Sensing Wheel Blasters (Agitate Surface)
3. Dual Spray Arms w/ 45 Dgree High Pressure Surface Impact
4. High Impact, High Pressure 'Surface Agitation'
5. Separate Chemical Delivery Nozzle System (No Co-mingling of Chemicals)
6. Super-Simplistic design, No Custom Parts, EZ Owner Maintained
7. Motor-Less Gantry which is Externally Propelled
Tough Touchless Talk... Facts not "Friction"
X-Stream's features listed below are "critical" to effective touchless washing! They are seldom individually and never collectively available on any other machine. Therefore, X-Stream Cleans Better than Any Competitor!
We invite you to click on the Compare Us tab or download the Chart (Click Here)
1. X-Stream has an “ON-board” Wheel Cleaner (Click Here!) chemical application STANDARD...that 'finds' the tire and directly applies the chemical. Fact: 90% of competitive touchless washes do not offer an on-board wheel cleaning chemical application or wheel blasters! How do they clean a car without attempting to directly clean the wheels like X-Stream? They simply cannot. Therefore, X-Stream cleans better!
2. On-Board Wheel and Rocker Blasters (Click Here!) thoroughly scour the toughest areas on the car! Side Blaster guns optional on many competitive washes that are floor mounted & activated at the entrance are useless. Squirting water on the rims BEFORE any soap is applied is completely in-effective. Therefore, X-Stream cleans better!
3. Dual Spray Arms IMPACTING the surface at 45 degrees! (Click Here!) & (Here!) You do not need a PH.D. to comprehend the importance of this feature. When you power-wash your deck, you don't spray directly at your feet! You need angle, lift and momentum for effective power-washing. X-Stream impacts surfaces that other washes do not touch, such as, inside wheel wells, behind pick-up truck windows, front and back of side view mirrors, etc. If others don’t touch these areas, then, X-Stream cleans better!
4. High Pressure Impact that AGITATES the surface. (Click Here!) Flat fan nozzles on competitive machines are nothing more than a 'mist' 18" away from the car's surface. Frankly, most garden hoses impact the surface more aggressively than a flat fan nozzle on the majority of our competitors’ machines. Our high IMPACT nozzles will literally slice your skin open 2' away and are 'thunderous' when they Impact the surface. You need ferocious surface AGITATION and high IMPACT to clean the tough vehicles and problem areas. Most competitors do not agitate the surface, Therefore, X-Stream cleans better!
So, Don't Wash It, Power-Wash It! Achieve "Before and After" results like this…Click HERE!
5. Separate chemical delivery nozzles for all applications ensure no co-mingling of chemicals on the X-Stream! But, other washes especially single arm 'L' machines co-mingle most chemicals thru one arm. Segregated chemical delivery means chemicals work better and X-Stream cleans better!
6. Super-simplistic design, No Custom Parts, EZ owner maintained. If you have been in the car wash business longer than 5 minutes, you will most appreciate this aspect exclusive to X-Stream! Therefore, X-Stream $ave$ you thousands in short and long-term ownership expenses!
7. Motor-less gantry with our NEW & exclusive stainless linear roller trolley system. There are no motors of any kind inside the gantry, which is propelled externally! We move our dual arms IN & Out and rotate them 90 degrees pneumatically. You will appreciate having no high voltage, transmissions, heavy-duty motors, drive shafts and actual ‘tires’ in your gantry to expensively maintain. Therefore, X-Stream $ave$ you thousands in short and long-term ownership expenses especially as the relate to drive trains and propulsion.
8. XRA-Remote Internet monitoring and management from any computer OR your web enabled cell phone! You can monitor, diagnose, manage and re-program your wash yourself either at the wash or thru any enabled web basd phone. If you use your phone, it is as if you are standing directly in front of the machine! Check out these screen shots from an I-phone. (Click Here)
9. Un-matched pricing with all these features is not duplicated with any other machine. See more about PRICING HERE!
One more unmatched fact, over 90% of ready buyers who demo an X-Stream, purchase one... often because they never need to contact a manufacturer or distributor, again. I hope you get to see one soon! We can be reached at 888-438-9787 ext. 1 with more questions.
May we build one for you? _______________________________________________________________________________
Addendum: Friction-like CLEAN... Without the FRICTION! Our Most Often Asked Question, Answered!
Assuming all touchless car wash machines can distribute chemicals, what is the difference in the 'quality' of the wash from one machine vs. another?
1) Remarkably, 95% of competitors do NOT offer on-board wheel cleaning systems! Wheel Cleaner is 'standard'! Our new Wheel & RockerBlasters aggressively agitates those rims like no other machine!
2) Most importantly, it is our X-STREAM High Pressure Impact! Our dual spray arms 'POWERWASH' the surface at 45 degrees using 40 GPM through 'zero' degree oscillating nozzles with unparalleled POWER! No other machine strikes the surface like X-STREAM! Therefore, no other machine CLEANS like X-Stream.
3) No Custom Parts! If you have been in the car wash business longer than 5 minutes, you will know the importance and value of this feature! Remember... engineered so Simply... If You Can't Fix It...Mom Can! Click HERE for Instant Pricing & Specials!